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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Kelly’s Korean handpainting class - 세라믹 핸드페인팅 수강/체험>

Kelly’s Korean handpainting class - 세라믹 핸드페인팅 수강/체험>

세라믹 핸드페인팅 수강/체험>
Kelly O's class
“예쁜 초벌 도자기에 나만의 그림으로 특별한 그릇을 만들어 보아요”

성인/어린이 일일체험

- 분당 죽전 도자기공방 컬러웍스 운영 및 강의
- 이천도자기축제 핸드페인팅 강사
- 세라믹 핸드페인팅 작품 전시회 3회
- 핸드페인팅 도자기 전문 쇼핑몰 운영
- 미국 던컨사 강사 자격증

블로그 구경하기

매주 토요일 09:30-12:30
매주 일요일 13:00~17:00

C.P 021.633.928
TEL 273.4123

Kelly's class
Do you want something unique and special made by you?

Team Building Class
(mother and daughter,co-workers,sisters,friends,etc)
Birthday Party
Adult as well as children Classes
Holiday Class

+ Owned a studio in major cities in Korea
+ Have taught in many different classes including the ceramic festival in korea, intermediate schools, community centre, kindergartens, etc.
+ Has had own exhibitions
+ Has online shopping site

You can visit
to see more of my work at Botany Pottery Studio (Bot Pots):
Unit 1A Bishop’s Gate Business Centre,
2 Bishop Dunn Place, East Tamaki,Manukau

mobile 021.633.928
tel 273.4123